7025 Beracasa Way Suite 105C, Boca Raton, Florida 33433, United States

  • bocaraton@sadkhintherapy.com
  • (561) 409-2137

Do You Want to Feel Lousy This Holiday Season?

  • By Beth Meirav
  • My Blog

Yesterday I was meeting with my Nutritious Life group (a bunch of truly rockstar nutrition coaches!) We were discussing the impending holiday season and how best to guide our clients through this tricky time. As the holiday season approaches, our calendars are filling up with festive parties, family gatherings, and countless opportunities to celebrate. It's a time for joy, gratitude, and, let's be honest, a lot of delicious food and drink. However, it's also a time when many of us face the temptation to overindulge, often leaving us feeling rather lousy the next day. So the suggestion we discussed in my nutrition group was to ask yourself "how do I want to feel tomorrow?". Embrace the festivities, the spirit of the event, not necessarily the overindulgence. We've all been there - the extra slice of pie, one more glass of bubbly, or a late-night feast that seemed like a good idea at the time. But the aftermath? Not so pleasant. Overindulgence can lead to feelings of discomfort, fatigue, and even guilt, which can overshadow the joy of the occasion. This holiday, let’s focus on how we want to feel during and after the festivities: Energized, not Exhausted: Enjoy the party, but also listen to your body. It's okay to indulge a bit, but know your limits. Pick one or two truly "cannot miss" things and enjoy the heck out of them! Satisfied, not Stuffed: Savor the flavors of the season, but remember, the pleasure of a treat often diminishes after the first few bites. Engage in conversations, dance a little, and immerse yourself in the experience, not just the food and drink. Let's not forget that the holiday season is about more than just food and drinks. It's a time for gratitude, reflection and connection. Enjoy the laughter, the stories, and the company of those around you. Wishing you a holiday season filled with laughter, fun, balance and gratitude.
