7025 Beracasa Way Suite 105C, Boca Raton, Florida 33433, United States

  • bocaraton@sadkhintherapy.com
  • (561) 409-2137

7 Tips to Eating Clean from Weight Loss Center Boca Raton

  • By Beth Meirav
  • My Blog

The basic idea of Clean Eating is eating foods as close to their natural state as possible. This means minimally processes, ethically raised and chock full of their natural nutrients. Sounds good, right?

So how do we go about it? I have a few easy tips that you can do right away.

1.Love your Fruits and Veggies!

I hear from clients when they first begin with me that they don't like vegetables. This is something we truly focus on because they provide key nutrients your body needs and many health benefits. By the way, buying organic really does matter. For purposes of keeping this short, you will just have to take my word for it. Having washed, chopped fruits and veggies in your fridge ready to grab and go is key.

2.No More Refined Carbs

They provide almost no nutritional value and can even cause inflammation as well as a host of other issues. When my clients leave my program we are focused on a Mediterranean style diet which does include some whole grains like quinoa or farro. These promote better gut health.

3.No Added Sugar

I feel like this is obvious at this point, but some of us do need a daily reminder. If you do need to sweeten something may I suggest a small about of raw, organic honey? Most of us don't even realize there is sugar added to something (ex: tomato sauce). So this leads me to my next tip...

4.Read the labels!

Reading labels ensures that packaged produce, nuts (buy raw), meats, and other foods contain no questionable ingredients. I know a lot of us buy the pre-washed salad bags that have dressings already in them. Don't hate me when I say make your own dressing. Personally, I love lemon juice, avocado oil and some Everything Spice (Trader Joe's).

5.Limit Processed Foods

If a food isn't in its natural state then it no longer maintains the nutrients it once held. Processed foods have been linked to heart disease and inflammation (there's that dreaded word again). Avoid, avoid, avoid.


Water makes up about 60% of your body. You lose water through sweat and using the bathroom. You need to consistently replenish your body. Water is the healthiest and most natural drink. We are lucky to live in a country with clean water. Drink it, enjoy it, stay healthy. Add cucumbers to it or watermelon ice cubes (check out my Facebook page) to keep it interesting. No more soda for you!

7.No Packaged Foods

You know those protein bars or granola bars you think are so great for you? They typically contain refined grains, sugar, vegetable oils, and other unhealthy ingredients. These processed foods provide almost no nutritional value. To avoid grabbing these items when you get hungry between meals, make sure to have healthy snacks on hand. Remember those cut up fruits and veggies I mentioned earlier?

