7025 Beracasa Way Suite 105C, Boca Raton, Florida 33433, United States

  • bocaraton@sadkhintherapy.com
  • (561) 409-2137

Sugar Detox! Stop the Cravings at the Weight Loss Center in Boca Raton

  • By Beth Meirav
  • My Blog

Sugar cravings wearing you down? Did you pick up the "need" for a sugar boost somewhere along the line (Covid perhaps?) and now can't seem to break the habit? Did you know the average American consumes approximately 22 teaspoons of added sugar PER DAY?! (according to American Heart Association- seriously, I did not make that up)

That blood sugar spike is a hard habit to break. It may feel good momentarily but don't forget about the crash that inevitably happens. That sugar high will lead to lethargy and hunger.

Willpower alone will not work. Believe me, you may think self-control in the moment can work for you, but you truly need to develop good habits to replace the old for the long term solution. You cannot rely on resisting temptation all the time.

1.Walk Away

Go for a stroll, change rooms, enjoy a bit of nature.

2.Eat Fruit

Don't hate me for saying this, but fruit is delicious! I promise if you start reaching for a piece of sweet fruit when you have a sugar craving then your body will thank you! By the way, if you are looking for a suggestion kiwi is a powerhouse fruit that can help you stay healthy.

3.Don't Wait Until You are Starving

Are you reaching for that sugar because it's the fastest and easiest thing to grab and you are insanely hungry? Don't wait until that point. On a 1 to 10 scale you definitely need to eat by a 7 (10 is starving).

4.Chew Gum

I am not a huge fan of gum chewing (especially those of you that chew like cows - you know who you are!). That being said, it can be a good distractor from that sugary pastry you were headed towards.


You should know by now I am a fan of the conscious indulgence. Dark chocolate is what I would recommend. 80% cacao or greater and you are doing something good for your body! So if you want to satisfy the sugar craving then choose properly and keep it to a small portion. I love the dark chocolate bars that have squares. Take one and put it away.

