7025 Beracasa Way Suite 105C, Boca Raton, Florida 33433, United States

  • bocaraton@sadkhintherapy.com
  • (561) 409-2137

Motivation is Fleeting! Hold Yourself Accountable

  • By Beth Meirav
  • My Blog

What happens when you lose that motivation? Who is there to cheer you on, to whip you into shape, to remind you why you are getting healthy in the first place?

Accountability means knowing you are holding yourself responsible for your own choices. You are committing to something and following through. In this case we are talking about getting healthy. That can take the shape of losing weight, exercising, drinking more water, meditating as well as numerous other forms or all of the above.

How do I hold myself accountable? A few tips:

  1. Having an accountability partner has been proven to positively impact your results. You hold each other up, keep each other on track. At Sadkhin Therapy I love when friends, couples or relatives come in and work with me together. That built in support is uplifting and encouraging.
  2. Set a specific goal within a time frame. Make sure it's challenging yet attainable. You can start small and add new goals as you reach each one. Hold yourself responsible.
  3. Create a rewards program for yourself. Attaining each goal is a feat in itself. You deserve a pat on the back and perhaps a massage to go with it. Don't go searching for a food reward but perhaps a movie, manicure or a buy yourself a new outfit.
  4. Make a chart. I am a big list maker. I love crossing things off as I accomplish them. I heard once that Jerry Seinfeld uses a large wall calendar and requires himself to write jokes every day for a certain period of time. As he accomplishes the day he then puts a big X through it. I love this idea. You are marking off that you did it. You can also look back and see all of the X's you made. It's a great way to hold yourself accountable. You never want to break the streak!


