7025 Beracasa Way Suite 105C, Boca Raton, Florida 33433, United States

  • bocaraton@sadkhintherapy.com
  • (561) 409-2137

Do You Eat Mindlessly? by a Boca Raton Weight Loss Center

  • By Beth Meirav
  • My Blog

Your Healthier Lifestyle Starts Today

Does this sound like you...are you eating but not out of hunger? Are you snacking throughout the day? Do you finish your children's plates? Do you nibble while watching TV? Oftentimes people eat when they are stressed, angry, happy, sad, depressed, bored. If you find you are standing in front of the refrigerator or the pantry looking for something to eat but are not really hungry, this is mindless eating. It is important to learn hunger signals and be able to identify other times you are eating when you are not hungry. I have spoken about MindFUL Eating on many occasions. This time we are working on identifying when we are eating mindlessly. Many times we don't even realize we are doing it. It has become such a habit that you don't even notice when it's happening. So what can we do about it?

1.Meal Plan
Sit down and make a list of what you will be eating that week. Sounds simple enough, right?

2.Make One Trip to the Grocery Store
You don't want to be running there day after day. You already planned your meals for the week. Buy what you need. Don't buy the tempting snacks that you know will trigger you.

3.Meal Prep
Slice and dice, tupperware and stock! The more work that is needed to prepare the food the less likely you are to eat it and the greater chance you will grab the quick, packaged snack. If you prep the healthy foods and keep them visible in your fridge then you will reach for them instead. I spend 20-30 minutes each Sunday prepping my meals for the week. If you are mindlessly eating it's because you skipped this important step and don't have anything prepared. This is key!!

If you know there is a particular time of day that you are triggered to eat mindlessly then plan for it. Perhaps a walk or bike ride after dinner instead of TV. Switch the negative habit for a good and healthy one. Once you make that switch 4 or 5 times you will have replaced that old, unhealthy habit with something that your body will thank you for! (By the way, this also holds true for those of you that feel you "need" that piece of chocolate/dessert to end a meal - YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE ;)
