7025 Beracasa Way Suite 105C, Boca Raton, Florida 33433, United States

  • bocaraton@sadkhintherapy.com
  • (561) 409-2137

Losing just 5-10lbs Makes a Big Impact

  • By Beth Meirav
  • My Blog

Your entire life happens inside your body!  It is your one home that will never go away, but can absolutely be improved upon.  Even just losing a few pounds can make a lasting impact to your health.  You may not see that 5lb. weight loss in the mirror (depending on your size), but your body will feel it and thank you in several ways.

  1. Decrease inflammation. We hear quite a bit about inflammation these days.  Did you know it can be caused by so many things: toxins, injury, autoimmune disease, infection, even pollution!  Losing just a little bit of weight can actually decrease the inflammation inside your body.
  2. Your joints will ache less.  Knees hurting you?  Back ache?  The less weight you carry the easier it is on your joints.  Yes, even just the 5lbs makes an impact here!
  3. Your numbers will improve. I am talking about your cholesterol and your blood pressure.  I always ask my clients to recheck their bloodwork after their weight loss.  It's amazing the difference!  Think of the drugs you can get off of or avoid taking.
  4. Your sleep will improve.  You will get better quality sleep.  Eliminate snoring!  Better sleep means more energy, less reaching for "bad" foods and sugary drinks.
  5. You will be able to move easier.  It's amazing that losing just a few pounds will make you lighter on your feet and make it much easier to move.  The groan you inevitably make when getting up from the couch or in/out of the car will magically disappear with the weight!

Try making some minimal changes and see what happens!  Visit me at my natural weight loss center in Boca Raton and we can work together to create a new, healthier lifestyle just for you.
