7025 Beracasa Way Suite 105C, Boca Raton, Florida 33433, United States

  • bocaraton@sadkhintherapy.com
  • (561) 409-2137

Sleep, what is it good for?

  • By Beth Meirav
  • My Blog

Counting Sheep?  We can do better than that!

Remember when you were a child and you didn't get enough sleep? Perhaps you skipped the much-needed nap? You most likely became a total crank-monster. Do you have kids that turn into nightmares when he or she don't get the sleep they need?

Getting sleep is not just important for kids. It's essential for all of us no matter what our age.

Sleeping is your body's chance to recharge. It's like rebooting a computer. It is necessary for your body to function.

Having good sleep habits is crucial. I work with my clients on this at our very first appointment. If you aren't getting the sleep your body requires (yes requires) it could lead you to reach for things that you wouldn't normally reach for in order to stay alert. This may include energy drinks, sugary coffees, processed and fatty foods.

So start by taking a look at your nightly routine. I know you established one for your kids when they were young. You need one too. Teach your body that it's bedtime with this new ritual. Here are a few things that can perhaps help kick your sleep routine into high gear.

1.Shut off your phone/computer an hour before bed

You know that horrible habit you have of checking your social media feeds prior to bed? It's over folks! That is way too stimulating. Leave the electronics in a different room.

2.No TV in the bedroom

Watching tv prior to bed is fine in the living room, but your body needs to know that once you hit that bed it is time for sleep.


Time to clear your mind. Let your brain shut down. Meditation helps clear the thoughts from your head and lets your brain and body rest.

4.Organize for the next day

Many times we cannot fall asleep because thoughts of what needs to be accomplished the next day are weighing us down. I utilize a time blocking pad (thanks Amazon) and write out a clear schedule for the next day (including my workout in there). Getting it out of your brain and onto paper with a time slot for each thing truly helps your brain relax and unload it. It's not hanging over you. You know it will get done when slotted.

5.Essential oils

I am a huge fan of Doterra essential oils. I actually carry some in my office, Natural Weight Loss Center of Boca Raton. The one I use for sleep is Lavender. I put a few drops on my pillow each night and it soothes and relaxes me. It also send a trigger to my brain that it is time for sleep.

Train your body and mind with your new sleep rituals and get some Zzzzz's tonight!
