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  • bocaraton@sadkhintherapy.com
  • (561) 409-2137

What is Visceral Belly Fat?

  • By Beth Meirav
  • My Blog

Love handles are definitely not "loved" by anyone that I know of, however they are considered subcutaneous fat, not visceral. This fat lies just below the skin. Do you remember the old TV commercial (back when we used to watch commercials) ..."can you pinch an inch" ? This is the fat they were talking about. While I hate to have a loved one grab me by those "handles", that muffin top definitely isn't as dangerous as the visceral belly fat that I am referring to.

Visceral belly fat not only makes your clothes feel snug but can also lead to heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke and other unhealthy conditions. It lies deep within your abdominal cavity surrounding your organs such as your stomach, liver and intestines. That pot belly you have been sporting (typically men) may be a sign of this dreaded fat.

What can I do about it? So glad you asked!

  • Eat a healthy diet- A healthy diet consists of a colorful plate - fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins like eggs, Greek yogurt and fish, and whole grains like quinoa, farro, oats, buckwheat and brown rice (in moderation of course). Make sure the fats you eat are healthy ones like olives, nuts and seeds (not trans fats).
  • Read your labels- I was about to buy this yogurt that I had once on a vacation and loved. I took a gander at the label and realized the reason I loved it was the cane sugar! I couldn't believe it. Get your sugar intake naturally - from your fresh fruit.
  • Get your carbs from your veggies- This can absolutely help with reducing visceral belly fat plus it will train your body to burn fat as fuel (rather than the starchy carbs you ingest)
  • Intermittent fasting - Am I becoming preachy about this? Shortening your eating window helps you lose weight and will help reduce that visceral fat. Try it. It is a lot easier than you think.
  • Exercise - You know that amazing feeling you have when you leave the gym? It's such a rush of energy, you feel amazing and are always glad you went, right? Even if you cannot make it to the gym and improvise at home, getting at least 30 minutes of cardio in each day will make a dramatic difference in the shape of your abdomen when combined with your change in eating habits.

Start there and let's see what happens.

You can make a difference in your health TODAY!
