7025 Beracasa Way Suite 105C, Boca Raton, Florida 33433, United States

  • bocaraton@sadkhintherapy.com
  • (561) 409-2137

Why Food Sensitivity Testing Near Boca Raton is Important

  • By Admin
  • My Blog

Food sensitivity affects a significant proportion of the population, yet many food sensitivities go undiagnosed or even undiscovered. With proper food sensitivity testing near Boca Raton, individuals can gain insight into the importance of avoiding food sensitive to their bodies. Food allergies may occur at any stage of life for a number of reasons. Individuals that have no history of food allergies can suddenly have a reaction to certain foods. Knowing which foods are good for your regular dietary needs is of the utmost importance in order to live a healthy life.

Unexplained physical symptoms can also be attributed to the presence of sensitive food. Muscle spasms, lack of sleep, indigestion, chesburns or even fatigue can all be associated with food sensitivity. However, without proper food testing, it may be difficult to come to a conclusion as there are many factors that can play a role. This is why Food Sensitivity Testing near Boca Raton may be needed to understand the issue.

Let's take a look at five things you need to know about food sensitivity testing.

1. Food Sensitivity Symptoms

Particular foods don't always cause the same sensitivity symptoms in everyone. Individuals who experience different symptoms, thus making it very difficult to diagnose food sensitivity strictly based on symptoms, as results may be inconclusive.

Many individuals are sensitive to more than one food and if they are regularly consumed in conjunction with each other, identifying the correlated foods and symptoms will not be easy. Experts that provide food Sensitivity Testing near Boca Raton can help you easily identify the root of the problem.

Even if an individual does not show signs of food sensitivity, it doesn't mean that it may not be present. While a slight discomfort may be accepted as the norm, it doesn’t mean that food sensitivity issues are not prevalent. Some symptoms can be experienced even days after consuming food, making it very hard to correlate and track the issue. Timely food Sensitivity Testing near Boca Raton can minimize the risk of health issues.

2. Most Common Food Sensitivities

Dairy products are among the most common food sensitivities among the population. Due to the inability of the body to break down and process lactose, many individuals have lactose intolerance.

Gluten is another common sensitive food that has recently gained much notoriety. Gluten sensitivity is a more moderate condition but it can certainly cause discomfort among individuals. Food Sensitivity Testing near Boca Raton can help individuals ascertain if they have a sensitivity to these common foods,

3. Food Sensitivity Testing Costs

The cost of food sensitivity testing will vary depending on which testing method is used, but professional food sensitivity testing near Boca Raton is affordable.

Beware of dubious centers and testing methods as the science behind their testing methods is often fraudulent. Always look for food sensitivity testing near Boca Raton that's highly vouched for. Don't jump for discounts from unreliable places as the results could be worthless.

4. Which Foods Are Tested?

The foods you’ll be tested for will vary depending on the specific test you choose to use. The majority of the most common food sensitivities within each of the major food categories will be tested. The categories are:

  • Dairy

  • Grains

  • Fruits

  • Vegetables

  • Meat

  • Seeds and Nuts

  • Seafood

  • Spices

Food Sensitivity Testing near Boca Raton can help individuals establish an understanding of what foods to stay away from. Depending on your budget, any number of foods can be tested, the cost of the tests will scale accordingly.

5. When To Take A Food Sensitivity Test

Did your doctor diagnose you with IBS?  Often times, GI doctors cannot decipher exactly what is wrong and chalk it up to Irritable Bowel Syndrome.  They do not do food sensitivity testing and just want you to live with their IBS diagnosis when eliminating something you are ingesting can simply be the answer.

If you feel tired, bloated, constipated, have diarrhea, joint pain, inability to lose weight... don't wait.  Make your appointment today with Natural Weight Loss Florida in Boca Raton.

Food sensitivity testing provides valuable information about your body that allows you to understand your dietary needs. 

